2022 Coverage from the new Nashville Banner resurrects the question: should Tennessee be executing people with severe mental illness?
Read about Tennessee’s SMI Bill Passing the Full House Judiciary on March 11, 2020.
Tennessee’s severe mental illness exclusion bill (HB 1455/SB 1124) passed out of the House Judiciary Criminal Justice Subcommittee on March 13, 2019! Read about it here.
Read why 5 former Tennessee prosecutors say people with severe mental illness should never be put to death.
The American Bar Association partners with TASMIE on documentary film about severe mental illness and the death penalty.
Great article on excluding mentally ill vets from death penalty in the Commercial Appeal.
See our article in the Knoxville News Sentinel.
See our article in the Tennessean.
The Jackson Sun covered a TASMIE event this October!
Mental Health America revised their estimated percentage of individuals with mental illness on death row. Read the discussion here.
A new study released shows that 56% of death penalty cases from 2010-2015 involved defendants with intellectual disabilities, mental illness, or brain damage. Read it here.
The 2nd part of the Fair Punishment study that examines death penalty statistics was released this October. Read it here.
Defendant with mental illness found guilty of second-degree murder in capital murder trial.
Don’t execute mentally ill, lawmakers told.
Executing individuals with mental illness undermines a fair and moral justice system.
Severely Mentally Ill Death Row Inmate Resentenced to Life 27 Years after crime.
Former Ohio governor Bob Taft calls for SMI exemption.
Indiana, putting mentally ill to death is indefensible.
Letter: No death penalty for mentally ill.
Richard Cizik, president of the New Evangelical Partnership for the Common Good, opined the exclusion from the death penalty is an act of compassion for the mentally ill.